Service Items Many items are available in different styles, options and colors. Call 888-858-8084 or email with any questions.
School Directory
8.5x11 pages sorted by requested data, barcodes available by request.
School Service Stickers 36up
Stickers are available in sort order by request.
ID Cards
Many styles available. Call for options
Camera Cards
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JD Lab is a Michigan based, full-service photo lab serving professional photographers throughout the United States and Canada. We specialize in providing a complete line of photographic products and services for professional photographers including: portrait, wedding, underclass school package printing, event photography, press printing, digital retouching, canvas gallery wraps, photo books, press-printed greeting cards, proofing and more. We support ROES-based JDLab2You and JD Pick-A-Pack, ImageQuix, PhotoLynx FLOW, CaptureLife and SimplePhoto software. Our commitment to quality, friendly customer service, and hassle-free guarantee combined with a state-of-the-art all digital workflow insures the best possible photographs for you or your clients.